Promoting Children's Rights and Reducing Restrictive Practices | eLearning

1 module



Course Length
40 mins

Maybo UK

£20.00 GBP


This 40 minute eLearning course introduces the principles of supporting a child or young person's needs through a human rights approach. It highlights how to take measures to reduce restrictive practices that might be used intentionally or in some cases without realising they are restricting the child or young person's liberty or autonomy. 


  • Recognise the rights of children and young people
  • Recognise what 'restrictive practices' are and their impact on children and young people
  • Recognise duty of care and ethical decision making
  • Recognise considerations for dealing with suspected abuse


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Maybo eLearning Certificate

Promoting Children's Rights and Reducing Restrictive Practices
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Added 6 days ago, by Anonymous
Added 26 days ago, by Anonymous
Insightful and learnt a lot
Added 29 days ago, by Anonymous
Added about 1 month ago, by Anonymous
Added about 1 month ago, by Alicea
Audio good
Added about 1 month ago, by Anonymous
Listening to people's comments after suffering restrictive practices, made me realise that on some occasions the restrictions are not part of the solution, as it can aggravate the situation, as the person being restricted might just need some space and invading their safety space is not the solution. It can also have a long-term impact on the patient leaving the with a trauma that they might carry through their lives due to these practices
Added about 2 months ago, by Anonymous
Added about 2 months ago, by Hannah
Informative and easy to follow
Added about 2 months ago, by Anonymous
Good and relevant, presented in an informative way.
Added 4 months ago, by Anonymous
This course was excellent.

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